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The Dragons, or Wyrms, were known by many names in the British Isles. To the Scottish tongue they were called “Beithir”, and to the Welsh they were called “Draig”. However, all of these were terrible serpents who terrorized the lochs and the hills of the British islands as well as much of Europe.   They were once fey, beautiful and fair, who grew enticed by the powers of the Serpent of Eden. They thus twisted into vile snakes and became a terrible evil against the race of men and fey alike. Many remaining dragons are offspring of these twisted men, knowing nothing but their bestial form and their inherent greed and bloodlust.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dragons are snake-like in appearance, with scales, forked tongues, a slithering belly, and a long spiny tail. They are, however, subject to variation due to their nature not being entirely biological. Some dragons swim in the seas and become more fish-like, while others tread the ground with powerful legs, and others are winged and traverse the air.

Civilization and Culture


Dragons have existed since the ancient times. Originally, humans assumed them to be mere beasts to be hunted. However, warriors began to understand they were much more intelligent despite their primal ambitions. They were more than great beasts: they were otherworldly monsters. Many stories existed of their tyranny. However, they became especially vicious during the rise of Christianity in the Roman empire and well into the Dark Ages. Below are notable events to which men and dragons interacted, often as foes.

St. George and the Dragon

Within the lands of modern Libya, a great dragon terrorized the city of Silene and demanded sacrifices in order to not destroy the city. It grew tired of sheep and wanted human flesh. Eventually the king's daughter was chosen as the sacrifice. Thus came St. George, the brave Roman Praetorian, who drove into the heart of the dragon his lance, and killed the creature. St. George gave his reward to the peasants, and converted the city to his Christian faith.

St. Patrick and Crom Cruach

St. Patrick drives Crom Cruach and his serpents away from Ireland.
The worst of the Unseelie, the dragons of Ireland, led by Crom Cruach, began to gain a terrible grasp on the region, conjuring snakes to poison and terrorize the people. The High King and even the druids feared these creatures, and began to treat Crom Cruach as a god. It was Patrick, a missionary from Britain, who fasted for thirty days and rose on top of the Hill of Crom Cruach to oppose the creature. Crom Cruach grew fearful of Patrick's faith, and was driven away with all of the snakes, drowning into the sea and thus never plaguing the lands of Ireland again.


Fafnir was a dwarf of great greed once, and when he came across his brother Andvari’s ring and gold, it turned him into a dragon. He was notable for being killed by the Germanic hero Sigurd. In his dying words, Fafnir revealed that Sigurd would be betrayed by his own brother. Thus a prophecy became true.

Fafnir's Son and Beowulf

Fafnirsson was the son of Fafnir, born as a pure dragon and grew great and fat, finding treasure of his own. During the reign of King Beowulf, the dragon Fafnirsson was disturbed by a slave stealing from his treasure horde. He attempted to kill the slave, and evidently became an enemy to King Beowulf. The elder king and his thanes attempt to slay Fafnirsson, but most of the thanes fled in fear. In a lethal battle, Beowulf and his thane Wiglaf slew Fafnirsson. But not before Fafnirsson fatally wounded Beowulf.

Draig Goch

Draig Goch (literally, Red Dragon) was a rare benevolent dragon that dwelled in the land of modern day Wales. Despite once being a powerful druid himself and gaining greed and wealth, he soon saw the error of his ways and sought to redeem himself. He opposed the White Dragon invading the realm of King Lludd, burying the creature at Dinas Emrys to ensure it never escapes again. He soon became a watcher over all the felled dragons in Europe, particularly keeping an eye over Crom Cruach of Ireland. To this day he lives within the lands of Wales.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Twisted Fey
Thousands of Years
Conservation Status
Nearly Extinct.

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Cover image: Fetch and Danu Duel by Collin Lamping


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