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Emergo - Continent

The Continent of Emergo is a large body of land containing multiple ecological zones ranging from arctic to temperate to arid to tropical. Emergo is surrounded by the Dusk Sea to the West, the Dawn Sea to the East, The Frozen Sea in the arctic North, and the Dragon Sea in the South.  

First Age

During the time of the Olmecs, Emergo had a more turbulent climate, and the polar ice caps had not formed as greatly as they would in future centuries. As such, much of the current land mass of Emergo was still underwater, including most of what is modern-day Sirastir, Tirise, Qu'Varia, Argyle and Marothell.  

The Landbridge at Dorwine

The valley Dorwine, a strip of land nestled between parallel mountain ranges a few miles wide, connected the northern and southern portions of Emergo during the First Age. While there were great population centers below the surface, this landbridge was a key tactical and commercial interest in a time when sea trade was nanscent. Many wars were fought over this area in what is now Western Marothell and likely contributed to the growth of the Dwarven state in Toria as a countermeasure.  

The Shifting Deep

While the surface was prone to violent storms and had limited arable land, the shifting of tectonic plates meant subterranean society was occasionally victim to catastrophic change. While generally stable, cracks were known to develop at a moment's notice, causing chasms that disrupted trade routes, or unsealing centuries old lava tubes and filling vibrant cities with steam vents. The dwarves in Toria spent long years terraforming a massive canal from the Dusk Sea to meet with their mighty forges and control the spontaneity of erupting magma.  

Second Age

As the Desmican empire waned and the Caelian kings came to power, the continent of Emergo was also going through massive changes that led to further political upheaval. The climate had overall been stabilizing for centuries, but as the North grew frigidly cold, more surface water was being held in ice reserves at the poles. As the sea level dropped, new land was made available, and the continent of Emergo began to resemble the outline seen today.  

Third Age

In the current age, the ecology of multiple regions has continued to shift. Primal jungles grow unabated in Tirise and Qu'Varia while the lands of Sirastir has grown arid and lifeless.


  • Emergo - Continent Map
    Early draft continental map showing the major states and capitols of Emergo.
Included Locations

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