Abridged History of the Sypi Confederacy

This book provides the most commonly known history of the Confederacy, depicting the rise of the Wicka Tribe over its neighbors and the unification against invaders from the west with the Cotaw and Charki Tribes. It further illustrates how the Sypi Confederacy took a strong stand against slavery and used peace and diplomacy to rally other tribes to join in common cause. It glosses over most cases of inter-tribal warfare, and emphasizes the unity of the tribe against outside threats and invasions. The book glorifies the role of the Confederacy in joining in arms with the Shin Empire against Jakonian invasion in 820 AE. The Battle of Conecuh Lake receives an entire chapter, in which the Sypi people decisively won the day and relieved the Shin shield wall, using great power bestowed by the united gods of the Confederacy’s pantheons. The rest of the book details the inclusion of non-human tribes, including the Ke’kaci, the Ke’zani, and the Saru over the ensuing years.
Record, Historical


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