Vitellia Orientia

Vitellia Orientia

Vitellia Orientia was born to a family of miners in the city of Pitnonium in the Shin Empire. She excelled in her younger schooling and was handpicked by the local nobility for a scholarship to the University of Kraticum. She was a strong writer and researcher, and soon developed an interest in the Sypi Confederacy and its history. She consulted a number of scholars who had visited the region and even interviewed captured raiders who cross the Shin border. In time she even traveled to Wofslar and accumulated a mass of writings upon the Confederacy's history. She ultimately returned to Kraticum and spent eleven years writing the full unabridged history of the Sypi Confederacy for as far back as could be dated. Her efforts immediately became the seminal work on Confederate history published, and it gained a wider audience both inside and outside of the Shin Empire. Her work continues to be persistently read to this day, but she has not lived to see it, dying of a disease outbreak that ravaged the city of Kraticum in 999.
940 AF 999 AF 59 years old
Aligned Organization


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