Adventurer’s Guide to the Apps

Written by the mayor of Potamipoli, the Adventurer’s Guide discusses the typical requirements for staying alive in the wilds of the Apps. He mentions the constant need for rope, vigilance for threats from the skies, avoiding travel in the night, and the importance of careful footing. The book mentions that there are a variety of safe havens through the mountains once you leave the long road, as small hamlets exist along the cliffs along the Efcharistos River subsisting on local fish. Beyond the technical details of traveling through the mountains, this book also mentions that hidden in the mountains there are a few isolated enclaves of mountain gnomes, living in remote homesteads, who can be welcoming towards lost or starving travelers. He does state that the gnomes make up a tight knit community, and injuring or killing one will lead to the Apps becoming significantly more hostile.
Guide, Survival


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