Alexander Tier

Chancellor Alexander Tier

Alexander Tier is a half-elf who was born to a unknown high elf father and a human mother in the heart of the Imperial City. Despite his non-illustrious origins, Alexander made do with what he had, even after his mother's death when he was only twelve years old. Rather than taking to the streets or looking for adoptive parents, he instead wandered out into the wilds of Jakonia. He made his way into an adventuring party set for the Eternal Glades in the south. During these adventurers, he became educated in the ways of the Nameless Empire and their ancient ruins, learning Common literacy from one of the party members. He wrote a book, which was published upon the expedition's return.   Alexander Tier's book, Relics of the Old World was based upon information recovered by the party within the depths of the Glades. Although he only had a newfound literacy, the book spread like wildfire throughout the Jakonian Empire. He was offered a scholarship to the College of History in the Imperial University, and with a gift of gold from his erstwhile party members, he established himself in an apartment in the Imperial City. He immediately began classes, while making connections with professors and scholars from all of the Colleges of the university, all interested in debriefing him about his discoveries.   Although the wealth from his book helped fuel his career, he faded into relative obscurity for nearly a decade as he studied with the College of History and was forced to take lessons in scholarly pursuits that were taken for granted by most of his peers who had received education before arriving at the University. Upon graduation, he immediately joined with a College of History expedition to one of the sites listed in his book. His insights into the dig proved essential, as he aided the ongoing efforts to enlighten the community about the history of the Nameless Empire. He spent nearly three decades joining in these archaeological digs as a consultant, earning more money and notoriety for his accomplishments.   In 997 AF, Alexander returned to the College of History, taking up a position as a professor of archaeology. He married a human woman in the Imperial City and began to settle down into a modest townhouse. He became highly popular among students and teachers alike, and avoided playing the majority of political games that other professors dealt with. His straightforwardness and modesty helped to achieve him even greater heights, becoming the Dean of the College of History in 1016. From there, he was viewed as a worthy successor to the previous Chancellor, and with support from those in other colleges who he had supported over the decades, he became Chancellor in 1021.    Alexander has maintained the University's balanced approach to Jakonian politics and continues to lobby for greater freedom for the institution away from government interference. He has been known to lose his modest exterior when dealing with Imperial bureaucrats, and as he has advanced in age, seems to have grown more aggressive and belligerent to those who threaten the freedom of learning.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chancellor of the Imperial University of Jakonia
Date of Birth
Newdawn 2, 941
Year of Birth
941 AF 100 Years old
Aligned Organization


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