Imperial University

The Imperial University is Emicara's largest institute of learning, home to thousands of scholars, students, and researchers, all seeking to study and advance knowledge in a secluded place. It is located within the Imperial City itself, and the university campus spans several blocks of buildings in the center of the city. This real estate has been turned into a towering compound that overlooks the rest of the community. The University is both a powerful political force as well as one for education, having subordinate colleges for all types of learning, both magic and mundane.


The Imperial University consists of eight different colleges, which each have their own specialization. These include the Colleges of Magic, Engineering, Music, Nature, Art, History, Statecraft, and Arms. The College of Magic teaches aspiring wizards and educates students on the proper uses of spells, while preserving a dignity about the craft. The College of Engineering instead focuses on mundane solutions to problems, and the construction of structures made to last. The College of Music has some overlap with the College of Magic, teaching those who would become bards both mundane musics and the art of crafting song into magic. The College of Nature has a similar background, and despite the urban environment of the campus, the unique attributes of the Fruitlands has attracted many aspiring druids to the university over the centuries.   The remaining four colleges have more political undertones to them, and they are actively involved in the maintenance of the Jakonian Empire and its traditions. The College of Art is primarily meant to ensure consistency and loyalty among the artists of the Empire, teaching standards of art techniques in both paints and sculpture. The College of History is dedicated towards the preservation of old relics of both the Jakonian and Nameless Empire, and its museum is a standing monument to the glories of both of those states. The Colleges of Statecraft and Arms are directly designed to educate and prepare the next generation of imperial leaders, with Statecraft offering lessons in diplomacy, while Arms offers training in the art of war.    All eight colleges are overseen by a Dean, who is in turn a member of the Committee of Deans. The Committee of Deans holds substantial power over the institution, and makes most of the decisions that relate to the university. The chief executive position of the university is the Chancellor, who is selected by the Deans from someone outside of their number, usually among the teaching staff or those who have achieved great fame after graduating from the University. The Chancellor can make policy changes and acts as the tie breaking vote whenever a debate emerges within the Committee over a decision or course of action.

Public Agenda

The Imperial University has publicly declared support for the continuation of the Jakonian Empire and imperial authority. At the same time, however, they have offered ample scholarships and support for applicants from other nations, including as far away as the Sypi Confederacy. The University has stated that they believe in a more education population, and have argued for more funding and support from the Jakonian aristocracy to help expand and develop courses. Some of these funds have been redistributed to subordinate schools across the empire, that help determine and select those who would be worthy of scholarships.


In addition to the campus they possess within the Imperial City itself, the University also has smaller schools and holdings scattered across Emicara. Each of these institutions welcome talented students from their respective lands, usually children or teenagers. They are designed to assess and determine the potential of the student for scholarship within the University.    The University contains three different museums within its halls, each dedicated towards a different purpose. The Museum of Magic presents hundreds of different magical objects created by contemporary and ancient wizards from the University. They are on display in order to instruct future wizards in the techniques of recreating these items. The Museum of History is a different beast, holding relics from all of the various lands that once were contained within the Jakonian Empire, all the way back to the Nameless Empire. Some of the relics have been reclaimed by the nations from which they were taken, but most still remain on display for study. Lastly, the Museum of Technology offers a showcase of the various items and devices invented by University wizards designed to make lives easier throughout the Empire.   Beyond the museums and other institutes of learning, the University possesses the only dedicated and independent facilities purely meant for the purposes of research. The Colleges of Magic, Engineering, and Nature all possess strange facilities that enable them to pursue more depth into the workings of their fields. Much wealth is spent in these areas as professors and researchers are granted wealth to pursue aims that could be directed to the benefit of humanity. From these halls emerged the secrets of gunpowder and many others. These scholars are viewed as the people who will one day restore the same quality of life that once existed in the Nameless Empire, and perhaps even surpass it.

Light of Knowledge Shines Through the Darkest Night

Founding Date
Riftwatch 19, 191
Educational, University
Parent Organization


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