
Artificers are some of the most respected people in Emicara. The majority of them are tasked with engineering duties, performing support roles and maintenance on the various apparatuses that keep nations running. Nearly all of them have received university educations, with the exceptions of dwarves and gnomes, who can train for decades under a master before creating their own devices. Their devices are often magical in nature, a feat that is beyond just an ordinary engineer, and they have immense respect from those who realize the importance of siege weapons and magical items to an army or nation. The majority of artificers are typically university-educated humans or dwarves or gnomes.   Alchemists are the most common type of artificers found throughout Emicara. Specialists in the workings and uses of herbs and chemicals, they can be found in nearly every society and nation. The amount and types of training they receive can differ wildly, from oral traditions passed down among half-giant tribes to the regimented training of the Imperial University. They are highly respected, and many are doctors or healers, playing a vital role in the well-being of larger towns and cities.   Armorers are specialists who have received training from Shin masters and artificers. The Shin have made advancements far beyond the rest of the world when it comes to the deployment of advanced armor. The work they produce is considered to be below none, but most armorers are notorious for being highly secretive about the mechanics and actual workings of their devices and equipment, often refusing to share their advances with artificers outside of their own specialty.    Artillerists for the most part are found from military colleges and the Imperial University. Many have served in the siege trains of the Jakonian Imperial Army or navy. One of the younger branches of artificing, few gnomes or dwarves would offer any sort of credibility to an artillerist, and most are human. From others in the class, artillerists are considered uncouth and irresponsible in their developments and inventions.    Battle Smiths are most commonly gnomes and dwarves, and their devices and gadgets were essential to the functioning of dwarven mountain strongholds and cities. Humans for the most part typically prefer the labor of man and muscle over the autonomous creations of the battle smith, but recognize their utility on the battlefield. Dwarven battle smiths from Valtkos Kiralyno proved to be the deciding factor during the Northern Rebellion, which toppled the remnants of the Jakonian Empire.    Adventurer Disclaimer: As an adventurer you are automatically an exception to racial rules! The story is about you, and therefore, you can be expected to break boundaries the majority of people in the world of Emicara are typically restrained to.


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