Bestiary of the Sypi Confederacy

Written by a Shin hunter and scholar, this book discusses the animals and monsters that can be found within the borders of the Sypi Confederacy. The Bestiary lists the following particularly dangerous animals that are known for certain to exist: Wolves (All Types) throughout all of the woods, wild boars of varying sizes throughout the brushland, and Bears (All Types) in more remote sections of the woods. The book also tells stories of various monsters that have been seen throughout the Confederacy on occasion, including: Ettin in the foothills of the Apps Mountains and ogres that are said to occasionally wander around from other realms into the Confederacy to raid and extort smaller races. Lastly, the book covers the frequent giant raids across the Sypi River, and provides advice for avoiding their notice when traveling along the River Road.
Guide, Survival


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