Centaurs: The Unknowable Scourge

This is known to be the preeminent book on the centaurs, foul creatures from the Deadlands. The book discusses little of their culture or ways of life, instead choosing to be a tome of warning to help humans in the path of centaur raiding parties to take cover. It recommends fortifying stone buildings with narrow entryways and barricaded doors, as they are large creatures and not particular maneuverable. The book warns that centaurs are known to be fearsome archers and occasionally raid south into Alsona for slaves and treasure. They are known to give a wide berth to the Tomb of the King and any larger towns and cities, but small hamlets are constantly at risk. The book only can speculate at what the slaves are taken for, but it alleges that the centaur practice human sacrifice.
Record, Historical


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