Nikolos Chaconas

Nikolos Chaconas

Nikolos Chaconas was born in the city of Gordon in Alsona. He was the only son of one of the local landowners, and was doted upon from birth. He was unfortunately a sickly child and spent most of his time indoors, unable to see the wider world. Fortunately, he had no desire to witness the wonders of the world. Things changed after a centaur raid from the north in 1008, which led to major devastation in and around Gordon, including the death of his parents. He was forced to take over his father's businesses and enterprises, expressly as a landlord. In between his business, however, he studied and learned about the centaurs. He has since become one of the leading scholars about the cultures and habits of the centaurs in Alsona, but has fallen under criticism from traditional academic circles. Some claim that Chaconas' research methodology is biased and lacks any first hand information about his research. He has stubbornly ignored these criticisms, and continues to consult with groups as esteemed as the Alsonan Rangers on affairs involving the Centaur.
Current Location
Year of Birth
975 AF 66 Years old


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