Cosmology in Emicara

Understanding the cosmos and the planes beyond the world is a time honored tradition among academics and scholars. Multiple theories of the universe exist based on the study of magic and the gods, but the prevailing theory is the one known as "bubble theory." In this theory, the Material Plane exists within a "bubble" of sorts, in which all mortal events and affairs take place. The realms of the gods and other planes exist as smaller bubbles that form on the exterior of the Material Plane. It is believed that on occasion these planes can enter into the material plane and can migrate along the edges of the real world. The space that exists outside of the "bubble" is called the Astral Plane, and is essentially believed to be a vast nothingness that exists beyond any time or measurement.  

The Material Plane: The Big Bubble

  The Material Plane simply refers to the area of the universe where the events of mortal affairs and life take place. This is where Emicara resides and all else that exists in the world. Its shape and outlook affects all of the smaller planes that exist around it by its very nature, giving them shape and form by the outlook of the Material Plane's residents. Without the Material Plane, all other planes would be severed and unable to exist or interact with each other.  

The Borders

  The membrane of the Material Plane's bubble is called the borders. The borders are essentially reflections of the Material Plane that must be passed through to reach the other planes. Depending upon the plane you wish to visit, the border realm can change, dependent on where it is located in reference to the Material one. There are two known types of border realms: the Ethereal Plane and the Shadow Realm. Both are reflections of the Material Plane, but feature different elements of it. From the Ethereal Plane, one can see all life and beings moving around in the Material Plane, and even interact with them in some small ways, but no landmarks or buildings can be viewed. In the Shadow Realm, it is the opposite, devoid of all appearances of life, but the shadowy reflections of buildings and landmarks can be seen. It is said that life has emerged in both of these border planes, but so far no evidence exists.  

Gods and Afterlives

  The gods maintain their own bubble planes attached to the Material Plane, each of which different in appearance based on deity and pantheon. Some of the pantheons share lodgings and planes, while others maintain separate realms for each god and goddess. When a follower of a pantheon or specific deity passes, their soul moves on to the afterlife of their belief, where they are judged by their gods for their observation of tenets and faiths that are held precious to the patron. The soul from there reaches eternal judgement based on their beliefs upon the Material Plane. Souls who refused belief in gods or believe instead in reincarnation are believed to either be vanished or linger in the Ethereal Plane until they find body to inhabit, usually a newborn. No one yet knows for certain. The celestial planes and afterlife realms that are known to exist are as follows:   Asgard: Area belonging to the Aesir Pantheon.
Brightland: Area believed to be the final home of the faithful and servants of the One Sun, including followers of the Church of Keshush and the Church of the One Sun.
The Forever Forest: Unending woodlands that are believed to be the home of the gods of the Wicka Pantheon.
The Golden Deep: The earthen halls of the Dwarf Pantheon.
Hell: Domain of Asmodeus, and believed destination for the unfaithful of the One Sun as well. It is not strictly an awful place according to interpretations of the Populres Pantheon worshipers, with room for the good in the service of their gods, as well as punishment for the damned.
Olympus: The airy mountaintop realm of The King's Host.  

The Feywild

The Feywild is an unusual exception to the bubble theory, existing both inside and outside of the Material Plane. The Feywild is the original home of the elves, from which they used to rule their empire and raid the lands of humans. Some unknown cataclysm ruined the plane and caused it to enter a state of disarray. The Feywild is often described as a vast and unending forest, but at the same time is a reflection of the Material Plane, much like the Ethereal Plane and the Shadow Realm. The ruins within often line up with existing settlements and structures in the Material Plane, but are chiefly abandoned. Wildlife is abundant in the Feywild, and its known to be exceptionally dangerous. While vibrant in colors, the elves have abandoned their original home for good reason, as magic is unruly and has manifested itself into powerful creatures and beings that exist with morals quite alien to humanoids.


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