Darren Kent

Sir Darren Kent

Darren Kent is a famous former inquisitor for the Church of the One Sun. He belonged to the Monastic Brotherhood of the Sun, and was the best known hunter of abominations such as lycanthropes. A paladin of the Sun, he and his team hunted down hundreds of werewolves, werebears, and other lycanthropes throughout the whole of Emicara, gaining ample notoriety and fame throughout the region. Most of his friends were slain in his crusade, but he never quite fell in battle, despite his great age towards the end of his time. His death came from old age, after dementia and other illnesses set in, spending what time he could dictating his vast but fading knowledge about the varied abominations of the world to assorted scribes within the Church.
877 AF 955 AF 78 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of old age.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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