
Druids are typically hard to find in developed portions of Emicara. They prefer remote places, and are known to be stalwart guardians of the wayshrines of the countryside. They safeguard remote locations and places, and many elves in their hidden enclaves find the druidic way of life appealing, helping protect their woodland sanctuaries. They are mistrusted by those of the civilized nations, believing the druids to stand in the way of progress and production. An exception is an order of druids that serve the Church of the One Sun, studying the Fruitlands and the similar region around Corazon, learning the manner and means of the magic that creates the vast flora within. Another key exception are the forest elves of the Tenashi Kingdom =, who treasure their druids as their primary healers and spellcasters. The majority of druids are typically elves, gnomes, or humans taught in circles.   Circle of the Land druids are the most common in Emicara. The majority of Tenashi druids follow this circle, and they are the largest druid organization on the continent. They are fairly well respected, and have connections with related human groups in the Sypi Confederacy and Shin Empire. They are the most studied among scholars in the Civilized Lands, and while there are no active sites of value to the Circle of the Land in the east, they are still respected and allowed to carry out their tasks, even if they do occasionally tread upon the toes of Church representatives.    In Emicara, Circle of the Moon druids are typically loathe to exist anywhere large gatherings of people form. They are typically wild recluses who stay far away from all civilization and even rarely communicate with each other. On occasion they will emerge to rescue troubled woodcutters or travelers, but their reasoning is often incomprehensible to most other people. They seem to act with little rhyme or reason, and most have few connections, if any, to the world outside their individual bubbles. Some of the more extreme members of various churches believe that the Circle of the Moon druids are little more than barbaric lycanthropes with a basic grasp on magic.   Circle of Dreams druids are exclusively elves. Although most Tenashi druids follow the Circle of the Land, the eldest among them are devoted to the Circle of Dreams and attempting to commune with the Feywild that once existed. The elves refuse to teach outsiders much of the Feywild, and only a handful of gnomes and others are said to have developed a connection to this circle independently. The destruction Feywild means that for the most part those who follow this circle typically are using the last power of a dead plane.    Circle of the Shepherd druids are the most comfortable within the confines of the growing civilizations of Emicara. Although few venture into the cities, Shepherd druids will reside in towns or villages in more agrarian regions. Although they are typically chased away by local wizards or clerics in the Civilized lands, they have proven invaluable to settlers along the frontier, particularly in Alsona and the Sypi Confederacy.    Circle of Spores druids are viewed as universally evil among the other circles of druids. Whenever another circle encounters a spore druid, a fight is almost always about to break out. The Circle of Spores is popular among anarchists, who believe that the whole world should fall into decay, and that civilization is an aberration. Some of the practitioners of the old pantheon in Losana, however, find that the Circle of Spores can be adapted to their old ways and traditions. Outside of Losana, the largest collections of Spore druids live among the vast hordes of undead in the Deadlands.    Circle of Stars and astrology play a large role in the Shin Empire and the rest of the Apps Mountains. Isolated mountaintop observatories and stone circles mark the meeting places of druids of the stars. They also uniquely will occasionally receive financial support and aid from wizards in the civilized lands, who seek further knowledge of the stars. The greatest patrons of this circle have always been the Shin, who have held the study of the stars as the most basic tenet of their national values. Circle of the Star druids frequently can step in as clerics and priests Shinism, helping to worship ancestors and interpret the meanings of the stars.     The Circle of Wildfire is a unique type of druidism that has emerged out of the orcs and humans of the Jorgan Badlands. A rare point of similarity for the two races, they occasionally come together, recognizing the importance of flame in their lands, as without flame, there is no renewal at all. The Circle of Wildfire is therefore a multi-racial organization, and has really failed to pick up outside of the Badlands, but welcomes new members and have actual traditions and rituals for welcoming those who travel to the Badlands to join their ranks. Only the Circle of the Land has similar support and numbers.    Adventurer Disclaimer: As an adventurer you are automatically an exception to racial rules! The story is about you, and therefore, you can be expected to break boundaries the majority of people in the world of Emicara are typically restrained to.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry


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