Enu Onyxhorn

Queen Enu Onyxhorn

Enu Onyxhorn was born the only daughter of a respected family of forge workers. As a female, she was exempted from service in the regiments, but she chose to serve anyways, after demonstrating their prowess in hand to hand combat against several other volunteers. She enlisted in the Chasmbrand Regiment, which had been currently assigned to the Atkeles garrison. She was one of the few women in the regiment, and the only one to gain a position in the shield wall. At the time of the finishing of her education and her position upon the shield wall, the Jakonian Empire was faced with a major uprising in Forard. The Chasmbrand Regiment was assigned as part of the suppressing force, fighting in several major engagements against the rebel army. While these battles were often defeats, Enu's performance led to a quick rise through ranks as superiors were slain in battle and she demonstrated her worth.   Enu became the first female commander of the Chasmbrands at the end of the war, and found her subordinates respectful, often fighting for her honor in bar brawls against other regiments. She was no stranger into joining these fighters. In 944, the War of the Northern Rebellion began, and while the Gathering had called for the kingdom's neutrality, the regiments were allowed to join the fight as mercenaries. Enu brought the Chasmbrands into the fight on the side of the rebels, wholeheartedly embracing the vision of the north's indepenence. Enu gained notoriety as a skilled commander, and the only woman of note in the leadership of the allied armies. It was her subterfuge and planning that led to the breaching of the Fruitlands Wall.   Whn Enu returned home, she returned a hero, and was widely called the "Mother of her Country." Kiralyno's independence alongside Columba and Orrland was mostly her work, and she found huge popularity among the working classes and warriors alike. When the previous king died upon his throne in 974, she was an obvious choice for many people, and when she put her name in for the election, the vote was nearly unanimous as she was unopposed. As the first Queen of the dwarves, Enu has led her people into the tumultuous modern era, keeping an eye upon instability in the Jakonian Empire. She is well aware of the short memories of humans, and she seeks to make sure that the dwarves of Kiralyno have a secure future, regardless of what may happen to the humans around them.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of the Dwarves of Borvalt Kiralyno
Year of Birth
847 AF 194 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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