Hill Dwarf

The hill dwarves of Kiralyno have long diverged from their mountain brethren. Rather than focused on digging deep and isolation, the Kiralyno dwarves have instead sought a role in the surface world. The hill dwarves of Kiralyno maintain their beards but have found a niche in design and development. Many of their efforts paved the way for Jakonian dominance of the seas and land. They had joined the empire willingly, and were the first to bemoan its fall outside of the Imperial City. They are best known for their skill in engineering and industry. While few of their works are considered true masterpieces, they are experts in mass production. During the height of the Jakonian Empire, the forges and smiths of the Kiralyno were the source of the majority of weapons and armor produced for the imperial armies.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Millaemdu, Aewihgion, Omwinn, Anmigu, Romme, Odio, Lishan, Brimwion, Ozu, Essi

Masculine names

Grurrorm, Bigduhr, Alun, Thukerrul, Brahdangound, Rarrags, Gregdegg, Uron, Bhalogg, Irond

Family names

Lightflight, Darktale, Dualfield, Evenfist, Smugbelt, Moltenaxe, Ironhead, Boldgame, Slatehammer, Moltenarm


Major language groups and dialects

The hill dwarves originally adopted Common as their primary language when they joined the Jakonian Empire. However, over the recent decades of the decline of the empire, dwarvish has gathered a resurgence. Due to the prevalence of Common among the dwarves, this has led to a significant dialect change in comparison to the speech of their mountain brothers. The accent of Common is quite noticeable among all of the hill dwarves that speak their native dwarven tongue.

Art & Architecture

Hill dwarven architecture shows itself significantly in the structure of their two main cities, Kiralyno and Atkeles. Kiralyno itself began as a traditional mountain dwarf hold, built into the hills of the northern Jakonian Peninsula. Over time, however, instead of expanding the tunnels below like mountain dwarves, they opted instead to build a new city above the old one. The halls of government and military are still below in the original city, but the new homes built are practically shaped square buildings carved from stone from local quarries. The dwarves spare no expense in their carvings and statues, and gargoyles adorn nearly every residence and business in hill dwarf districts.   Dwarven artwork is a different matter, and they put most of their focus into metalwork and stonework. Carving and shaping of metal into artistic forms are the hallmarks of the dwarven artist. Their music is heavily drum based, and they prefer chants and group singing as opposed to lone musicians, treasuring the efforts of a group over those of a single talented individual.


Gender Ideals

The Jakonian influence upon the hill dwarves is easily seen in the well defined roles for gender within the halls of Kiralyno. The forges and smiths of the hill dwarves are typically male, while raising children and farming is the domain of the dwarven women. Dwarven women do have more freedom among hill dwarves than Jakonian women, and they often run businesses and seek out new adventures away from the stricter relationships and guidance of the home halls. Women in general have more say in their own fates, as compared to the Jakonians.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage in hill dwarven society is quite strictly monogamous between a male dwarf and a female dwarf. Homosexuality is illegal in all hill dwarf lands, as heavily influenced by the Jakonians that they are. Unlike the mountain dwarves, the hill dwarves are encouraged to have large families, rather than just a few close children. This has caused hill dwarves to spread rapidly across the Jakonian Empire, although the majority of them still reside in Kiralyno. Hill dwarves often seek out friendships with humans who have similar interests, and these friendships are encouraged among hill dwarves, and a hill dwarf of good standing likely has many friends, including a few close ones, regardless of race or gender.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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