Erermos Talley

Grand Archivist Erermos Talley

Erermos Talley was born Erermos Karchar of the Kingdom of Populres. House Karchar is one of the seven ruling houses of the Populresi people, dominating over the fortress town of Cheraaw along the border with Recfrere. He was one of several children who could have risen to becoming the leader of the house, receiving a firm education from local wizards and magic wielders on the proper practice of evocation magic. He grew as a wizard, and eventually was assigned a military role towards the end of the Thrid Populresi-Recfrere War. He was sent to lead an army against the people of Recfrere, leading the forces of his house.    During a raid upon the town of Villacone in 1010, the detachment that Erermos was leading was wiped out by the Recfreran army and he was captured by the enemy. Badly wounded, he was cared for as he was the only demonkin captured by Recfrere in known memory. As interrogations progressed, Erermos was treated surprisingly kindly by his captors, and eventually he saw much of the countryside of the kingdom his people had waged war upon. He even fell in love with one of his interrogators and offered to defect from Populres to teach the army of Recfrere and its wizards. He demonstrated exotic techniques of mage-craft and his lover had links with the University of Viracocha. When the war ended, he was offered a professor's position with the Archive of Magic.    Erermos provided consulting advice to the Army of Recfrere and taught numerous students the arts of evocation in warfare. He also advocated for the expansion of magical military units to protect the frontiers. Despite his origins and some initial mistrust from the rest of the academic staff, he quickly became popular among his colleagues and students alike. He even served as a magical tutor to the king himself from 1033-1036. This service secured his appointment to the position of Grand Archivist, as head of the University of Viracocha.    Upon his ascension to his new post, his existence became apparent to his former family in Populres. Long thought dead, Populresi spies at last noticed his resemblance to a lost member of House Karchar. There have been yearly assassination attempts ever since, and he has been declared a traitor to his House and to his kingdom. This has only reinforced his position and status within Recfrere.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Archivist of the University of Viracocha
Date of Birth
Hardfrost 13, 989
Year of Birth
989 AF 52 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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