Evadine Mona

Evadine Mona

Evadine Mona was a human writer in the kingdom of Alsona. During her early life she fell in love with a forest elf adventurer from the Tenashi Kingdom. She became pregnant and gave birth to a male half-elf child. Evadine spent a considerable amount of time with her lover, but kept him a secret from Alsonan society at large, concealing the appearance of her child too. She traveled the Tenashi Kingdom long before wanderers and travelers would be allowed in after the Wingo Rebellion, and accumulated a collection of relics and writings of the elves. These led to her denunciation and exposure during the Pogrom of 1003, and she was executed by the government of Alsona, which had been looking for elven saboteurs and spies.
972 AF 1003 AF 31 years old


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