Fellowship of the Palm: Hunters for the One Sun

Written by Myer Ragsdale, a Columban author, this book details the threat that the Fellowship of the Palm represents to most nations outside of the Jakonian Empire. He goes into depth and detail about specific operations conducted by the Church of the One Sun, and how the Fellowship of the Palms has become a de facto part of the Jakonian spy network throughout Emicara. He describes thefts and assassinations conducted by the Fellowship in the name of the Church, citing growing attempts in Recfrere and the Sypi Confederacy to destabilize those nations to grow the power and influence of the Church. Ragsdale further alleges that some of the clergy has been known to use the Fellowship for their own purposes, but that the risks in that usage are great, as the Fellowship has been known to occasionally cull the herd of the Church’s clergy in times of extreme corruption. He warns readers about the risks of crossing any preacher or churchman, as they could have the pull and power to bring a trained assassin to bear. Ragsdale was killed when a runaway carriage ran him down several months before the book was published.
Manuscript, Historical


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