Myer Ragsdale

Myer Ragsdale

Myer Ragsdale was born in the Kingdom of Columba, shortly after it had achieved its independence from the Jakonian Empire. His father and mother alike were actively involved in the rebellion and uprising against the Jakonians, and were rewarded with titles and land for their service to the king. As the son of a new noble, Myer received education and support from the monarchy his entire life, and this include education within the Imperial University in Jakonia. After leaving the university he returned home and became an outspoken critic of the Church of the One Sun, the predominant faith of the Jakonian Empire and still incredibly strong within Columba. He claimed that the Church was responsible for most of the oppression that occurred under Jakonian rule, and a large number of atrocities during the fighting. He particularly railed against the Fellowship of the Palm, a religious order that he claimed was responsible for numerous assassinations and other underhanded tactics throughout the whole of the Jakonian Empire. His death by a runaway carriage in 1018 has since become fodder for many conspiracy theorists and activists against the Church's tactics.
968 AF 1018 AF 50 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died under mysterious circumstances relating to a runaway carriage.
Other Affiliations


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