
Trained and dedicated fighters are quite common among the civilized lands of the Circle Sea and most of the kingdoms of Emicara. There are many profession armies, navies, mercenary groups, and assorted orders and guilds where an individual can receive training as a skilled fighter. The methods of being a fighter can differ from land to land as many groups prefer different types of weapons and fighting. A fighter training in one land may have a completely different skillset than one at the same level of experience in another.   A Champion fighter in Emicara is typically considered to have emerged from a gladiatorial ring. Although gladiatorial combat is technically illegal in the Jakonian Empire and its successor states, pit fighters are not uncommon, and duels between nobles are often resolved by hired fighters. When one refers to a Champion, it is usually assumed that they are a fighter of this nature, typically excelling in one on one combat. Most people respect these professionals, although they rarely received much more than disdain from professional soldiers.   Battle Master fighters are what most people think of when they think of professional fighters and soldiers. The majority of veterans in the militaries of the Civilized Lands would be considered battle masters, trained in skillful maneuvers in battle and protecting their fellow warriors. These fighters receive nothing but respect from the common folk, and few will ever lack opportunities for mercenary work or positions in the armed forces.   Eldritch Knights are typically officers in the ranks of those within the Civilized Lands. Only nobles and aristocrats can typically afford the spellbooks, components, and training needed to become what is considered an eldritch knight. These warriors are treasured and considered invaluable among the armed forces of the south, and while they are rare to be found in tribes, they are a core component of any army.    Arcane Archers are not often found among the civilized nations of southern Emicara, which typically place more emphasis on wizardry and melee combat. Instead, they are more typically discovered in the Tenashi Kingdom. The elves have typically refused to take on the trappings of human kingdoms, and thus have remained devoted to the mastery of the bow. They will spend decades gaining this skill, and few others of different lands will take the time to become such a skilled archer, when spellcraft or massed crossbowmen can achieve the same effects.   Cavalier training is mostly common among the nations of the south that use large amounts of mounted warriors in combat. The Jakonian Imperial Army and its counterparts in the Jakonian successor states all use large amounts of cavalry thanks to the large amount of flat and open terrain on the Jakonian Peninsula. This area is perfect for the use of cavalry in battle, and thus the regiments typically maintain sizable mounted components from where cavaliers emerge. Several tribes in the Sypi Confederacy also learn the art of fighting from a mount, as it is a useful technique when hunting on the plains.    Those who embody the Samurai subclass rarely receive that name. There are no samurais as our world knows them in Emicara. That does not mean that this subclass is not present. The Samurai style of fighter is representative of the lone warrior or wanderer. These solo adventurers typically learn their craft from others like them, and rarely remain in one place for long. These people form some of the oldest legends and stories of Emicara, and few ever meet a peaceful end. Due to their nature, they are looked down upon by other types of fighter, for receiving a less than professional training.    Officers (aka Purple Dragon Knights) are fighters who have been trained in the art of command and support. These warriors have taken their own skills and forge military units into formidable fighting forces. They are respected among their peers, even if their own direct combat abilities leave something to be desired in comparison to other fighters.   Psi Warriors are a new phenomenon among Emicarans. A handful of warriors have started to display anomalous abilities unrelated to known schools of magic. For the most part, the Churches of the Civilized Lands are less than enthusiastic about this growing trend, and some believe that there is a connection between the Formless and the emergence of these talents. Most commoners, when they see the abilities of a psi knight in practice, they simply assume that the user is a Eldritch Knight, and only a learned member of a university or college would know otherwise.    Rune Knights are exclusive to the ranks of fighters trained by the half-giants of the north or trained as hunters and guards by the giants of the west themselves. The Rune Knight is the top enforcer of the giants, and typically when they show up in Emicara, they are on the prowl to capture slaves for the giant lands. Therefore, they are typically forced to lay low from the common folk, especially in the Sypi Confederacy, Losana, and Alsona.    Adventurer Disclaimer: As an adventurer you are automatically an exception to racial rules! The story is about you, and therefore, you can be expected to break boundaries the majority of people in the world of Emicara are typically restrained to.


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