Forest Gnome

The forest gnome is the most illusive of those small creatures. There exists no known towns or cities that have a forest gnome portion, and they are rarely seen in the wider world of Emicara. Most forest gnomes live in isolated burrows within thick forests and exist in small groups only. Forest gnomes place great emphasis on family and survival, keeping their people safe rather than adventuring into the world. Burrows rarely exceed more than forty gnomes at one time, as they remain stealthy and hidden, scattered throughout the world. Unlike their mountain cousins, the forest gnome typically does not trade or interact with most humans with rare exceptions being the aid of lost woodsmen and travelers in their forests.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aluxi, Isohani, Dolin, Xayore, Banhani, Mintina, Fenzyre, Breedysa, Isorhana, Lilwyse

Masculine names

Alrick, Jorrick, Manybar, Zilhik, Quoni, Jorybar, Yecryn, Ipaben, Wreben, Rasziver

Family names

Gnomes don't typically bother with clan or familial names. As they exist only in small communities, they lack the need to identify themselves in that manner. When they do require a second name, perhaps in trade or to identify themselves to another clan of gnomes, they typically refer to themselves relating to a geographical feature near their burrow. An example would be "Alrick, of the clearing with an oak tree."


Major language groups and dialects

The gnomes speak Gnomish first and foremost and as the originators of the language have very little deviation. Occasionally individual burrows and families will start developing a slang all of their own, which can be used within the burrow itself. This rarely lasts for long, however, as the gnome find the need to communicate with other burrows of some importance, and thus consciously prevent the deviation of their own language. Every burrow has at least one gnome that speaks the primary language of the civilization or nation that exists above their burrows, should the need arise for trade or diplomacy, but for the most part it is rare for a gnome to learn a second tongue.

Art & Architecture

Gnomish artwork is some of the finest that the majority of the world will never see. Constantly restricted to the surprisingly elaborate depths of their burrows, the forest gnomes lavish immense ingenuity upon decoration and artwork. The one draw that the wider world has for the forest gnomes are things such as painting supplies and drawing tools. When they obtain these things, they create some of the finest artwork ever known, and it rarely leaves the depths of the burrow, and is often destroyed when the burrow is inevitably abandoned. The burrows themselves become their own works of architectural genius, delving deep into the earth and being sized comfortably for the gnomish people and few others. Their furniture is lovingly crafted from any locally available materials, and many Jakonian halflings will pay large sums for verified gnomish furniture due to its size and high quality. Despite the elaborate nature of the burrows they all feature two things: a concealed escape tunnel, and a mechanism for collapsing the entire complex should it risk capture by an enemy.


Gender Ideals

Forest gnomes possess very restrictive social rules in all ways, simply due to the need to protect their burrows from discovery. Only male gnomes are typically allowed to venture out from the burrows, and female gnomes are restricted to the underground network of their tunnels. This is especially true for a pregnant gnome, who must remain in her own quarters, where she is provided for by unending support and goods from the entire burrow. Socially speaking, the men of the gnome burrows deal with defense and protection, while the women farm and provide cooked food and supplies to the entire realm. There's very little politics in a gnomish burrow, leading to most decisions being made by acclaim, by female and male gnomes alike.

Relationship Ideals

Gnomes place great emphasis on their immediate family and blood relations. They are very slow to trust outside of their burrow, especially of humanoids other than gnomes. It is rare that a gnome will befriend another person, but they will occasionally take pity upon struggling travelers in the woods, particularly human children. These children occasionally develop long-term friendships with gnomes, which are prized by the gnomish burrow who finds something to like in the taller folk. Marriage among gnomes is uncommon, but it does occur, typically between neighboring burrows, as the female of the couple will travel to find a mate so that the family line will continue.
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