Root Wardens

The Root Wardens are an organization of forest elves and gnomes that have dedicated their lives to protecting the Dytikaxylo from the incursions of giants from the west over the Sypi River. Organized and equipped with the best training and weapons that the Tenashi Kingdom can provide, these warriors work ceaselessly to ensure a safe life for the people of the forest. They are best known for their fervor for the conflict, and aggression to those who would disturb the tranquility of the wood elves.


The Root Wardens are a paramilitary organization that are supported by the Tenashi Kingdom, but not part of its military. They provide their own gear and equipment for the wardens, many of whom act independently without a true chain of command. The teachings of the Roots Wardens are that because they are spread thin, every warden must be capable of bringing a giant down own their own. To that end, they train and excel, and while some teach and others learn, there is no true structure, just a first among equals. The Land Warden is the one that others refer to for advice, and directly rules the village of Ripli in the queen's name. He or she does not give orders, except in the rare cases when a combined force of wardens is needed to drive off a group of giants.

Public Agenda

The Root Wardens constantly advocate in the court of the queen for more resources and weapons to continue the fight against the giants. Some have even argued that a true expeditionary force should be launched across the river in retaliation for the constant raids. They believe that slaying the giants on their home turf could discourage them from future aggressions. The wardens are also outspoken in their belief that the kingdom should work to make peace between Valtkos Wingo and Alsona to create a collaborative force of multiple races to deal with the threat of giants, which seems to be mounting by the year.


There are usually around fifty to sixty members of the Root Wardens at any given time. While some do end up turning into adventurers and traveling abroad, most will serve for a century or two and then return to Tenashi or another settlement to take up a new life away from conflict. These individuals tend to retire their weapons and gear, for future wardens to take up in the fight. Therefore, while the wardens lack much in the way of funds as the rest of Emicara would consider them, they do possess a small arsenal of ancient magical weapons which have been tired and tested true in numerous battles against giant foes.
Founding Date
295 AF
Military Order
Alternative Names
The Mad Hunters
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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