Guide to the Sypi Missions

This book is a traveler’s guide to the amenities of the Church of the One Sun’s missions in the Sypi Confederacy. The Whitman Mission is described as possessing a bounty of food and provisions to any travelers, and boasts a well-stocked inn open to all believers. The mission however is proud of its pledge to spread the good word of the Sun to all people, providing food and rations to all regardless of faith. The Southplain Mission is also discussed as a place for new initiates to the faith and the purification through baptism for even nonhumans who seek to find the ways of the Sun. The primary Mission near Wofslar receives a substantial portion of the book, glorifying the extensive library and collection of holy relics that have been recovered by the Monastic Brotherhood in the Confederacy. The book further discusses the Partan Tribe mission, run directly by the daughter of the former chief. It is said to be one of the finest places for medical treatment and healing in the Confederacy. Lastly, the book provides a warning about the Tracee encampment mission, stating that it is not yet complete and travelers are not welcome to overnight stays on the premises.
Guide, Generic


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