Jeffrey Hyde

Jeffrey Hyde

Jeffrey Hyde was a notable travel author and writer at the beginning of the eleventh century. He had traveled across the Civilized Lands and much of Emicara along the Circle Sea, and even up into the Sypi Confederacy. He wrote numerous guides and articles about the various places a traveler from Jakonia could find shelter and refuge throughout the world. As an author, his works were persistently reviewed by the Church of the One Sun, but he was an avid advocate for the expansion of the Church and the propagation of its interests. That is what led to his untimely demise during the course of the Sypi Civil War, when he was taken prisoner by the Bienombe tribe and ultimately executed for espionage.
1002 AF 1023 AF 21 years old
Circumstances of Death
Executed for espionage in the Sypi Confederacy
Aligned Organization


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