History of Demons in Losana

Part of a popular five book series written by famed demonology scholar, Trevana Civilis of the University of Kraticum, this book has achieved popularity throughout the Frontier Realms. The majority of the book is dedicated towards Civilis’ adventures in attempting to locate the elusive “reptile-demons” of the southern swamps of Losana to limited success. She states that these creatures are likely only the fabrications of myth and legend among superstitious locals, as no physical evidence exists. Other chapters covered the infamous Pirater la Saleté Incident, in which the attempted summoning of a major demon in year 122 AE in the town led to a bloody battle and siege. The summoning was halted, and the defeat of Pirater la Saleté’s soldiers led to the annexation of the town by the Kingdom of Losana. Civilis speculates that the summoning could have been created to justify the annexation of more territory before Pirater la Saleté could join the Sypi Confederacy.
Manual, Magical / Occult


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