Trevana Civilis

Trevana Civilis

Trevana Civilis was born in the city of Thomicum, deep within the Shin Empire. From those stone halls, she emerged from a commoner's family, and achieved notoriety for her delving into arcane matters beyond those of most abilities. Many claimed that she made some sort of pact with an unholy power to achieve prominence, but nothing could ever be proven. She ended up studying at the University of Kraticum, and eventually became the foremost scholar in the lore of demons. She traveled across Emicara and even north into the Deadlands to find fodder for her writings and she published the highly regarded History of Demons series of books, which have become required reading in most arcane and religious institutions.    Ultimately she became obsessed with hunting down demons and their creators, and hired numerous parties of adventurers and mercenaries to help her annihilate known demons and devils hiding among Emicara's population. She ended up stuck outside of the Shin Empire when they closed their borders, while exploring the Sypi Confederacy. She continued the life of a traveling author, until she began work on her final book, relating to demons in Alsona. She and her entire band of mercenaries disappeared while in pursuit of a demon believed to be residing in or around the city of Pegrama, and no trace of her or her followers were ever found.
956 AF 997 AF 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
Disappeared hunting for a demon in Alsona.
Aligned Organization


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