History of Demons in the Shin Empire

Part of a popular five book series written by famed demonology scholar, Trevana Civilis of the University of Kraticum, this book has achieved popularity throughout the Frontier Realms. This is the longest of the books written by Civilis, and has exhaustively researched information, due to multiple firsthand accounts transcribed into the book. They detail the use of demons by dwarf warlocks during the Battle of Valtkos Kirtodihr in 601 AE, on the western border of the Shin Empire in the foothills of the Apps Mountains. The stories say that the dwarves sought to use the demons as weapons against the Shin armies, but the creatures turned upon them and led to a three-sided slaughter in the depths of the city. The location of the city was never pinpointed, but the book suggests that a Sypi wayshrine was built over the site of the battle, where both the dwarven and Shin dead were buried with the treasure below.
Manual, Magical / Occult


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