
Throughout Emicara there are human beings known as "Immortals." These humans are blessed, or cursed, with everlasting life far beyond their natural life span, even outliving elves and other races. There are only a handful of them scattered across the world, granted eternal life on earth. They appear in many legends and myths, and are known to simply be humans who have gained a boon, rather than any sort of divine being. The stories of how they gained their immortality are varied and many of them tested and proven false. Some believe that there are multiple routes to immortality, and these people have found them whether by good fortune or great skill.    Whatever is the case, an Immortal cannot be killed by any means. Efforts to kill Immortals throughout history typically end badly for the enemies of Immortals, as they are quite skilled at combat, as hundreds of years of learning can attest. Some also apparent possess superhuman capabilities, including strength or intelligence far in excess of what their physical appearances would suggest. They are able to shrug off the most powerful magic and weapons, eventually even reconstituting themselves when their bodies have received excessive damage.    The two most famous Immortals are the Eternal Empress of the Shin Empire, Laura Bede, and her mentor and alleged creator, the Traveler. Both of these Immortals feature prominently in legends, and vary in whether they are villains or heroes depending on cultures. The Traveler for example is a hero throughout Shin and Confederate legends, but is often portrayed as a trickster villain throughout the legends of the Civilized Lands. Other Immortals include the Daughter of Shadows, the Honest Businessman, and the First Paladin.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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