Jason Pollard

Archmage Jason Pollard

Jason Pollard was an adventuring wizard from Bamard who traveled across Emicara, looking for riches and fame. His travels took him all over, as he researched obscure spellcraft and techniques from a variety of masters. Known to be an exceptional talent, but not specialized in any one school of magic, he also proved incredibly charismatic. He became the face of an adventuring party that successfully slew a medusa that had been plaguing a noble house in the town of Asimi. Upon his success, he was granted a deed for property within the city limits and a generous stipend from both the noble house and the Alsonan monarchy. He chose to settle in Asimi and began the construction of the Asimi College of Magic.    After founding the College, Pollard recruited high profile and talented wizards from across Emicara, traveling once more to find only the best recruits for his institute. He gathered some enemies in the process and found that his adventuring days were not quite over. Eventually he returned and settled down, and spent nearly two decades in Asimi, teaching magic to talented young people. The College of Magic was the only institute that taught magical skills and spells, providing lessons to most of Alsona's nobility and those who sought magical prowess. He continued to build his fortune, but apparently Alsonan royal politics got the best of him, and he was assassinated by an archer during a luncheon with his advisers.
810 AF 867 AF 57 years old
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