Katarina Pepalia

Katarina Pepalia

Katarina Pepalia was born in the capital of Alsona, Parthenonas. She was educated at the University of Pegrama, thanks to her upbringing by merchant parents. She eventually found her niche in the way of myths and legends dating back to the founding of the kingdom. She proved to be an adept scholar at unearthing old variations on popular legends and stories. Her research skills were unmatched, but sadly, also unrewarded. The few books she published were poorly received and eventually faded out of publication even in her lifetime despite some initial controversy over her depictions of the nation's founder, the legendary King. After her star faded, she was driven to bankruptcy, and spent the rest of her short life as a pauper in the streets of Pegrama, until she was eventually accepted into the service of the King's Tomb.
973 AF 1028 AF 55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was accepted into service at the King's Tomb.
Aligned Organization


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