Magic for the Tribes

Written by a leader among the Gibber Tribe, this book discusses the use of magic and how to safely learn more about it in the Sypi Confederacy. The book details the three key places of magical learning within the Confederacy. The Tracee Tribe School of Signs and Divination, the Gibber Tribe apprenticeship programs, and the College of Wofslar, an institute of higher learn for even things such as magic. The book further details how magic was once incredibly rare and tied to the leylines of the world until the seals were broken by a powerful wish in 0 AE, which reshaped the world, its inhabitants, and the laws of magic. The book warns against achieving magical prowess through bargains with otherworldly creatures, stating that very rarely can these beings be truly trusted in their motives.
Manual, Magical / Occult


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