Stig Blomstedt

Stig Blomstedt

Stig Blomstedt was born into the Gibber Tribe in the Sypi Confederacy. He achieved prominence in the ranks of the tribe through his use and skill with magic, which he had a natural aptitude for. He proved to be a powerful wizard excelling in the field of abjuration, aiding in the protection and healing of his tribe after battle. As he aged, he became one of the foremost tutors of magic in the Sypi Confederacy, taking on apprentices, both wizard and sorcerer, and teaching them the proper use of their talents. he continued to excel and develop his own techniques, and even wrote a few chosen magical primers for aspiring wizards in the Confederacy. Unfortunately, he became entangled, as all did, in the Sypi Civil War, as his tribe threw in their lot with the Bienombes. He provided his ample magical power in support of the new War Chief, but unfortunately was killed in a duel with a cleric of the Church of the One Sun.
Year of Birth
955 AF 86 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in battle during the Sypi Civil War
Aligned Organization


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