Mapiya Charki

Chief Mapiya Charki

Mapiya Charki is the current chief and ruler of the Charki Tribe in the Sypi Confederacy. She is one of the very few female leaders of tribes within the Confederate borders. As a child, her path to greatness was far from clear, as she was born to a family of trappers and hunters. She grew up learning the ways of the woods, but very little about the balance of nature itself. It was only after she started escalating her hunting as an adult that she learned from one of the tribe's druids about the occasionally precarious environmental balance. She renounced her hunting and began studying the path of the druid.    Success as a druid came as naturally to Mapiya as hunting had before. She proved incredibly talented and blessed with the magical abilities provided by the earth. Within six months of beginning her trainer, she had already bested her mentor and those who taught her. After only two more years, she was clearly the most powerful of the druids of the Charki. This was demonstrated dozens of times both in combat defending her people and in duels with up and comers within the tribe among the others of her order. In 1034 AF, she challenged the chief of the tribe to demonstrate his power. She trounced him in a single duel, and became the uncontested new chief of the tribe.   As the chief of the Charki, Mapiya has continued with the policies of the past chiefs, but has also opened up new relationships with the Jeftra Tribe and within Wofslar. She has continued support for the Bienombes, but has argued against those who have sought out new raids and warfare. Her main efforts have been directed at preserving the old traditions of the tribe and the Confederacy, while preventing unneeded development of towns and infrastructure.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief of the Charki Tribe
Date of Birth
Rainsbane 10, 1004
Year of Birth
1004 AF 37 Years old
Aligned Organization


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