Menoeceus Ganas

Chancellor Menoeceus Ganas

Menoeceus Ganas is a highly placed noble and adviser to the Queen of Alsona. He started his career as a bard with the University of Pegrama, raised from a family of wealthy merchants. As bard it took him a few years to find his niche, which was revealed to be a very xenophobic one. Ganas in his youth had developed into disdain for the dwarven people, and as more and more refugees poured west from the Apps Mountains, Ganas became outspoken against them. He wrote numerous tracts about both dwarves and elves, and the threats they could pose to the Alsonan nation. At first he was widely ignored, although he found patrons within the Crysos Mining Company. Then came the Wingo War and the reemergence of the Tenashi Kingdom. Suddenly, it appeared that many of Ganas' viewpoints and writings were vindicated and he escalated his position within Alsonan nobility, as nobles of all stripes were quick to embrace him and his writings. He has since managed to move this into a highly placed seat at the Queen's table, where he advises on politics with the new kingdoms surrounding Alsona's borders.
Current Location
Year of Birth
987 AF 54 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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