Nasvaltkos: The Arrogant City

Written by the xenophobic Menoeceus Ganas, this is the best known history about the fall of Nasvaltkos, believed to be one of the original cities of Alsona. According to the tales, Nasvaltkos once rivaled, perhaps even surpassed, the strength and beauty of Parthenonas. The bards were the most powerful and learned, and the library of Nasvaltkos was the largest in all of Emicara. Roughly seven hundred years ago, a great disaster befell the city, and Ganas blames this upon the hubris of the people within. He states that they had turned towards wicked ways and experiments, performing blasphemy and unholy magic. For their crimes the city and all of the surrounding farmlands and villages were turned into a crater, which exists to this day. Since then monsters of tremendous size and abhorrent shape have emerged from the crater’s death, acting as a blight to all around. Ganas makes a bold claim that a single mighty building survives in the center of the crater, holding the heretical works and texts of the lost city.
Manuscript, Historical


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