Perils of the Deadlands

This short book is written by the famed adventurer and mayor of Potamipoli, Peter Collias. As a member of the military and the Alsonan Rangers, he has gained fame and notoriety for his monster fighting exploits. Quite a few of the extant survey maps of the Deadlands are thanks to him, and he has donated more than his fair share of artifacts to Alsonan museums. The Perils of the Deadlands writes about the harsh and arcane storms that can strip a man’s skin in moments or leave an entire phalanx polymorphed for days. The book tells the best methods for avoiding the worst of the storms and how to know whne they are coming and how to resist their effects. He writes extensively about the centaurs and their slave trade, claiming that they seek a constant supply of human slaves who are forced to serve in their hidden capital far to the north. Others are sold to the giants of the west, a bitter existence of constant labor.
Guide, Generic


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