
Grandmaster R3-B31 (a.k.a. Rebel)

R3-B31 was created by the technicians and magewrights of the Nameless Empire long before their reign came to an end. It served initially as a mere sentry, protecting one of the myriad military bases of the empire. It remained in this role for over eight decades until he was selected for an upgrade and improvement project. The project was a major success, greatly enhancing the processing power of R3-B31, and allowing it to begin his journey to self-awareness. It was reassigned to a facility deep within the Apps Mountains, where it was tested with a series of physical and logical tests to confirm his capability. These tests were successful and it was shut down and put into storage for a future trial.   The future trial never occurred, and R3-B31 was left behind as the world descended into war and chaos. Its location was forgotten and it was left in a shutdown state until a band of adventurers stumbled upon the ruins of its container in 389. They accidentally reactivated R3-B31 and it soon became a trusted companion in their adventures. In time it saw the greater world of Emicara, and eventually R3-B31 outlived the humanoids that had been its friends. Bereft of purpose, it began wandering, and in Novanass, it was recruited by a human that saw a new potential. It joined the Cult of the Damned and became a wandering agent.   R3-B31's adventures in the Cult of the Damned are matters of mystery and legend, and it proved to be one of the Cult's greatest agents. It rose through the ranks and through his cleverness, it was invited to the Citadel. It passed the trials of reaching the lofty mountaintop, and there it found a treasure trove of old Nameless Empire artifacts. R3-B31 abandoned its life of adventure and found solace for centuries among the vaults of the Citadel. Its lack of ambition for power made it an excellent selection for the new Grandmaster when the previous one died of old age in 913. R3-B31's colleagues soon selected it for the task of leading them further into the future, as a means of stability and clever leadership.   As the Grandmaster, R3-B31 has proven its leadership abilities time and again, and it has helped the Cult accumulate a greater stockpile of artifacts and weapons than any previous Grandmaster before it. Before the closure of the Shin Empire, many within the upper echelons of the Cult were even considering renewing the conflict against the Church and their militant orders openly. Since the borders of the Empire closed, however, nothing has been heard of R3-B31 or any of the highest ranking members of the order.
Current Location
Year of Birth
37 BF 1078 Years old
Aligned Organization


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