Relics of the Old World

Written in the wake of an expedition to an old Nameless Empire ruin in the Eternal Glades, this was published in the year 956 AF. An adventuring expedition into the swamps had discovered an old military ruin that was full of old automatons dedicated to defending the area. These automatons were defeated, and the party ventured deep within. All of this was recorded by a young homeless boy named Alexander Tier who joined the party after they had bought supplies in the Imperial City. He witnessed the deeds of the party and took note of the discoveries made, possessing a talent for identifying matters of importance. When they returned to civilized lands, he coalesced his observations into this book.   Relics of the Old World contains a record of various historical sites listed in the vaults found in the Eternal Glades. It provides a map of locations that could contain or possess old artifacts of the Nameless Empire. It has been lauded as a  guide for future archaeological expeditions and endeavors for the Imperial University. It also launched a revitalization of public imagination into the workings of the old world. Most of the sites listed in the book have since been plundered by looters or investigated by various educational institutions across Emicara, but the book remains a popular required reading for most students of Emicaran history.
Manuscript, Historical


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