Savvis Grabis

Savvis Grabis

Savvis Grabis was born in Tinnt, and established some renown as a local guide and hunter. As a explorer of the forested region known then as the Dytikaxylo, he became well known to the folk within. His skill at hunting fed dozens of families during times of siege and famine, and he helped many in his town to thrive and survive even the harshest of winters. His fame brought him fortune locally, as many vacationing nobles would pay him as a hunting guide, usually achieving much success in the field. During his adulthood, he even became a guest of the Tenashi elves, who spotted him and his skill at woodcraft. He spoke of the Tenashi years before the Wingo War and the rebellion, and for a long time he was simply considered somewhat mad by the stories he regaled people with. The outbreak of the Wingo War showed his stories to be nothing but the unadulterated truth. This proved his undoing when after the Alsonan defeat at the First Battle of Zachari Crossing, a lynch mob accused him of being a spy, and he was lynched during a series of panicked riots.
965 AF 1021 AF 56 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died lynched by an angry mob in Tinnt


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