Simon Petralias

Commander Simon Petralias

Simon Petralias was born in the city of Parthenonas as a member of the lower working class. Rather than following his father's footsteps into labor, he chose instead to join the Royal Order of Guardsmen, the nation's centralized law enforcement bureau. Initially at work preserving order at large gatherings in Parthenonas, he eventually was selected to join the Order's investigative arm. He became involved in a number of high profile investigations of both corruption and assassination throughout the nation, helping to resolve disputes of all types. He has since become the head of the Royal Order of Guardsmen, and a dedicated opponent of the Vovoi and all of their operations. Rumors abound that a bounty of nearly a quarter of a million gold pieces has been placed on his head, but more are concerned of the destabilizing factor of his death than those willing to kill to end his investigations.
Current Location
Year of Birth
990 AF 51 Years old


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