The Hidden Shin Empire

The Hidden Shin Empire is a recently published book to discuss the closure of the Shin borders in the past several decades and the society that hides behind the borders. As many Alsonans never entered the Shin Empire even before the closure, the land is wrapped in mystery, nestled throughout a large part of the Apps Mountains. The book discusses what is known, that the various provinces of the empire are ruled by nobles, who are never seen by the common folk, constantly shrouded in magical armor. The book also makes wild claims about Shin magic and technology, which is known to be well in advance of even the most developed parts of the Civilized Lands. Still, it is argued in the book that the Empire is under siege by an unknown power, which has caused the full might of the mysteriously nobility to combat and defeat. The limited smuggling of occasional magical items and weapons is the only marker that at least some form of commerce is still taking place within the Empire.
Manuscript, Historical


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