The Pillar of Futures: A Lost Sypi Legend

This book seems to be more of a collection of randomly arranged notes and published details involving an artifact known as the Pillar of Futures. The book seems to indicate that the author, Metilia Pictor, was invested in attempting to locate the Pillar, as it was said to be able to tell the future for the wielder. According to the book, all one would have to do to gain control of the Pillar’s powers would be to give it a particularly visceral memory of past emotion. The bearer would then be able to see the immediate future, giving them advantages against anyone who sought to do them harm and offering wealth and power for anyone who knew how to use it. Grave warnings are offered, claiming that with misuse, a person could see too many futures and be driven mad.    The book seems to indicate that an unnamed River Watch fortress is built atop an even older fort or city. The keep is described to “sit upon the ruined mounds of the Nameless Empire’s city.” It discusses how the halls are guarded by ancient automatons charged with defending the Pillar from thieves. The book offers a clue to how to find the old city, describing a hidden door on the bluff below the fortress, opened using the Old Common words for “Peace and Serenity,” which are inscribed in the book. The fortress is never identified, but is believed to have been the site of many tribes’ crossings into the Confederacy in the old days of migrations. The book concludes with an afterword by a scholar from the University of Kraticum, stating that Metilia Pictor disappeared in the pursuit of the Pillar, and has not been heard from in several years.
Manuscript, Historical


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