Metilia Pictor

Metilia Pictor

Metilia Pictor was a Shin scholar working for the University of Kraticum. She was the Shin Empire's preeminent scholar on the history of the tribes of the Sypi Confederacy. She traveled the Confederacy extensively throughout her life, and learned from tribal elders and record keepers of the history of each individual tribes, including some that no longer existed. She compiled this information into a series of dry, but informative books which gained widespread popularity among Shin historical scholars. While she could have turned her popularity into tenure at the University, she chose instead to remain on the road.    According to those who knew her, Pictor became obsessed with one particular Sypi legend. A collection of strange and small stone pillars had apparently been concealed and hidden in a ruin that was ruined even in the time of the Nameless Empire. These pillars reputedly gave the bearer the ability to manipulate time around them. Pictor, who had lost her husband early in her life, craved the ability to turn back that disaster. She disappeared in the pursuit of the Pillars of Future. Her remains were eventually discovered by an adventuring party in 1019, but the start of the Sypi Civil War the following year overshadowed the discovery.
922 AF 970 AF 48 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died pursuing rumors of the Pillars of Future
Aligned Organization


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