The Shadows of the Forest: The Elven Communes

Written by the mother of a half-elf, Evadine Mona, this book is an unbiased guide to the finding of the forest elf enclaves hidden throughout the western forest. While Mona was later arrested and executed during a pogrom over twenty years ago, this book still acts as the best source a traveler has for learning about the forest elves. The forest elves possess a large and vibrant society in the Dytikaxylo, with multiple towns, villages, and allegedly even a capital city, known only as Tenashi. The book claims that Tenashi actually rests in the branches of the tallest and largest trees of the forest, far away from any human settlements. It offers some clues to Tenashi’s location but shies away from identifying it directly, stating that the elves have been often unjustly persecuted by the Queens of Alsona, and that she hopes that eventually this feud can be laid to rest.
Manuscript, Historical


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