The Vovoi: Separating Fact from Myth

The Vovoi are well known to be a mysterious and often violent organization, seeking to suppress all knowledge about themselves and avoid the reach of the Royal Order. The public knows all about the Vovoi being an institution of organized criminal activity, but few know its extent or what it actually does on a day to day basis. Petralias, without naming names or mentioning anything else that could lead to his death, discusses how each of the families involved in the Vovoi typically control one aspect of the larger business. He states that smaller families often ally with other small families or pledge themselves to larger ones. Their activities often include prostitution, gambling, sale of illegal substances or magical items, and of course forcing businesses to pay protection money. The book indicates that there are three major families, all of whom declare their home as Pegrama. Petralias even implies that there may be a city under the city, known as the Pegrama Underground from which the Vovoi operates.
Manuscript, Historical


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