Unspoken Invasion: The Dwarven Threat

The Unspoken Invasion is written by the well-known and regarded xenophobe author, Menoeceus Ganas. This is considered to be his magus opus, a thoroughly researched tome on the dwarven “invasion” of Alsona. Ganas documents the mass arrivals of dwarves throughout Alsona, and points out the recent discovery of Borvalt Teva underneath the human city. He outlines demographics and other statistics showing that dwarves already outnumber humans in many eastern villages and towns. Teva itself has already been overrun, though most live under the human town in the recently discovered dwarven city. The book is lauded as a warning for the Alsonan government to do their best to resist further dwarven immigrants and to deport those who have already arrived. Otherwise, he warns, large parts of Alsona could fall to the dwarven threat.
Statement, Political (Manifesto)


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