Whitemarsh College of the Seas

The College of the Seas is located in the town of Whitemarsh within the Kingdom of Recfrere. It was founded in 769 AF, as the Recfreran government sought to establish a greater presence upon the Endless Ocean. The power of the Jakonian Empire was unmatched, and it was feared that an invasion could take place by the seas, bypassing the natural barrier of the Badlands. The College was therefore created to be the foundation of the rudimentary shipping and naval warfare industry of the kingdom, and it remains the primary place of education for all naval captains in the Recfrere Navy. Civilian courses are offered to merchants and traders, to help standardize the methods of ship defense and to enable the conscription of vessels during times of war.


The head of the College is traditionally referred to as the Admiral, and reports directly to the Grand Admiral of the Recfrere Navy. Although he or she is usually referred to by this rank, they lack any formal status within the navy, beyond as a position of respect. Most of those appointed to the post of Admiral of the College are retired from active naval service in the fleet. All professors and scholars working within the university report directly to the office of the Admiral.

Public Agenda

The College of the Seas advocates for the expansion and maintenance of the Recfrere Navy. They also argue for an increase in civilian knowledge and learning, as well as the creation of grants and new areas of development. They have lobbied for increased military spending not just into ships, but also into the infrastructure to create the well trained crews and materials needed for a modern navy.


The town of Whitemarsh hosts the College of the Seas in a series of old residential buildings and businesses. An old marketplace is now the foundation of the College, and buildings have been constructed to enable hosting. One of the most unique features of the College is a perfect replica of a pair of warships, maintained on the College grounds and used for drills and training in ship to ship combat and tactics. The College receives all of its wealth and budget directly from the government of Recfrere, and very little lucre is maintained on the grounds.

Command the Vastness

Founding Date
Sunscorch 20, 769
Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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