Wofslar: A Guide

This popular book provides an outsider’s guide to the Sypi Confederacy’s capital of Wofslar. The center of the city is the Great Hall of Chiefs, the residence of the Grand Chief, and where contenders for the highest title in the land reside during elections. The city itself is circular and two layered, with a large external wall, and a slightly smaller internal wall surrounding the Great Hall and other important civic buildings, as well as the barracks and the residences of the wealthiest inhabitants of the city. The majority of the people of the city live between the walls and there are two markets, the East Market and the West Market. The West Market is known for more mundane general goods and trade, while the East Market is known for more unhanded dealings, magical items, and various other rarer goods and weapons.   Another major feature of Wofslar is the Sypi University, the sole formalized institution of higher learning in the whole of the Confederacy. Teaching courses in both mundane and magical traditions, it boasts the largest library in the entire nation and hundreds of students and teachers seeking to expand their minds and knowledge. Surrounding the university, as befits such an institution is the seedier part of Wofslar, consisting of brothels and other dens of iniquity, and travelers are well advised not to linger in the area outside of the student dorms after dark.
Guide, Generic


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