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A Potent Brew

General Summary

A local holiday known as 'Feast of the Pines' is taking place and has brought out all sorts of folks as they participate in the festivities. Talbet is bustling with travelers from nearby villages and tradesmen with the day off drink and eat with reckless abandon, and The Bullfrog Inn is no exception today. A familiar voice from across the bar calls out to you "Whatever ya pick today just leave the notice on'a counter. I've got work to do." The guild rep's voice in it's usual monotone inflection betrays no hint emotion, but you get the sense she might be annoyed as she moves like a hurried sloth to pour drinks for the crowd of patrons.
— Bullfrog Inn during the festivities

4th of Tempus, 636 Golden Era
Summer Solstice and the Feast of the Pines

Sensing that they should be moving along, the party, with a new addition being the kenku bard Xorn, picked out a nice looking gig and set forth. It took quite some time for the party to make it's way through the packed streets to their destination. People from all over the county gathered here to celebrate. Drinks flowed freely, food was cooked in the streets for all to come eat, it was truly a sight to behold.
  After some time the party eventually found themselves in front of a large stone building, the Wizard Tower Brewing Company. Greeted at the door by a hyperactive gnome they eventually found this was their employer.
A Brewer's Woe
Client: Brewmaster Glowkindle
Type: Hunt, Investigate
Comments: Some BIG rats have appeared in the basement of my brewery! Please help eradicate them!
Reward: 40 gp per member
— quest notice
Ushered inside and plied with beer he began to recount his tale. Being a new brewery they were trying to make their mark in the local market and so the decided to expand their operations. They bought out the building next to them and began to renovate the basement when the broke into a hallway and giant rats came pouring out! Now with it being a massive holiday Glowkindle and his staff were trying to keep their customers happy but they were soon to run out of beer, and all their stock was in the basement. With the rats. Through some crafty negotiations the party was able to get a little more gold out him and a promise of free beer, and with that they set forth.
  Inside the underground hall way they were greeted by a host of creatures far bigger than they should have been. Giant Rats, Giant Centipedes, and a Giant Inferno Spider. They navigated a clever trap, and found what looked to be an alchemy lab. Within they found a whole host of potions and such, but just before the left the spied a wall in the back that looked out of place. Budging it revealed a hidden study, probably the wizards personal study, that was hidden behind a secret door that had fallen into disrepair. In this study the found a journal left by the former wizard charge of Talbet some 60 years ago. The journal revealed something deeply sick about Wolfpine Forest, and the wizard's disbelief at the legend of The Feast of the Pines. Something didn't add up to him. He spent his time researching alchemical ways to treat the plants and water deep within the forest, but eventually thought that he was being watched, and the journal ended there.
    With an overall feeling of unease the party emerged from the cellar victorious and Glowkindle showered them with praise and all the beer they could manage. During the ensuing festivities Xorn created a 10' hole in the floor that to this day she still denies doing.

Rewards Granted

  • 50gp each
  • Free beer for the party for life (I'm not going to regret THIS)
  • Potion of Poison Resistance
  • Potion of Fire Breath
  • Potion of Acid Resistance
  • Alchemist's Tools
  • 5 gems (50/p)
  • Cloak of Many Things with the normal patches but also: 1x 4 potions of healing, 2x Doors, 1x Portable Ram
  • Bottle of White Ink 4oz(4 charges)
  • Wolfpine Antidote 
  • The Book of Knowledge

Character(s) interacted with

Greta, Glowkindle


Wizard Journal and Translated Journal are both in the Player Handouts folder of the Google Docs.
Report Date
12 May 2022
Primary Location
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